Monday, January 29, 2007
About Me
- Name: Eye é City-A Visual Account of the Last 24 Hours
- Location: Singapore
As the world moves rapidly, economy progresses, changes become inevitable. Have you pondered about what is a city without a past? Or have you retraced your footsteps? What memories does the city hold? Since 2002, enthusiasts have been traversing Singapore on the last day of each year capturing images images of the island and her people with their cameras. From the heartlands to the nature reserves, from Chinatown to Orchard Road, participants visited all corners of the island in search of their subjects. From the images submitted, 100 that best represents each year were selected for publication and a month-long exhibition at the National Library. The objective of this project is to preserve the collective memories of Singapore through the eyes of people from all walks of life, be they foreign or local. It is a collective effort to document humanism and history of the city. It is taking an interest in and caring for the city 有人说新加坡是一个没有回忆的城市。随着经济命脉的跳动,城市的景观也迅速变化, 记忆也随着时光流逝。“城市的眼睛“ 是希望通过摄影的媒介,反映城市的景观变迁,记录城市人文的发展,集合成大家共同的回忆。源于2002年,活动没有设定题目,也不设奖品或排名。参加者在12 月31 日零时开始,到当天的23时59分,在新加坡任何角落,拍摄他们认为值得记录的影象。 每年刊登及展出的100 张照片,除反映大家关注的社会事件,也有让大家共鸣的个人感情抒发,因而引起城中人对于城市人事物的关爱。
Previous Posts
- 我们上报啦!1月14日的《联合早报》刊登了有关新加坡年轻团体在有限的资源下举办影像纪录活动,《城市的...
- To all who submitted their photos for Eye é City 2...
- 《城市的眼睛》2006在风和日丽的气候下顺利举行!连续下了好几天的豪雨终于在30日前停息,老天真的给...
- 明天就是报名活动...有多少人会下来?雨还会倾盆而下吗?今年会看到怎么样的照片?用传统底片的人会减少...
- All Eyes!Are you ready for the challenge?Within a ...
- PENANG IS DOING IT again THIS YEAR!A Visual Accoun...
- “来,来,来!” (eye é city 2005)Clementi InterchangeLoo ...
- 我期望 (eye é city 2003)Bright Hill Road, Kong Meng S...
- Forging Stronger Ties for the New Year (eye é city...
- Early Delivery (eye é city 2005)Geylang Road, Corn...
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