Eye é City invites you to attend our first Fringe event:
11 November 2006 (Saturday), 3-5pm,
Central Lending Library,
Basement 1, Multi-purpose Room
Gracing the start of our year long activity are Sha Ying and Ray Chua, who will be sharing their expertise in photography with Eye é City 2006.
This year, we will be trying out Pre-Registration for our main event, which is held on the last day of the year. Those who opt to use digital cameras will be able to sign up early from 11 Nov 2006, after the sharing session.
In its 5th year running, we are glad to offer you slices of our city at $15.00 per copy of our past publications. If you have been a keen participant, you would be glad to own a full collection, if you have not done so. Participants whose works were selected and published were given a complimentary copy for that year of participation. Do encourage your friends to support our common work too! Start a collection now!
Kindly note that we will be returning Eye é City 2004 & 2005 exhibited prints after the sharing session to participants whose works were selected for exhibition. For participants who have not collected their film negatives and CD-ROMs of Eye é City 2005, they can collect from 5pm to 6pm. Uncollected works will be disposed.
The most important thing, which is usually said last, is that this event would not have existed and survived without your loyal support. To bring this event to the next level, we really need your sustained interest, voluntary efforts and caring spirit. Our event is run fully by volunteers, with the kind support of our sponsors.
Do leave us a comment or email eyeecity@yahoo.com for any enquiries. We will be happy to hear from you!
《城市的眼睛》将在来临的11月11日举办‘摄影分享会’。地点在中央借阅图书馆的多用途讲堂(国家图书馆底层1楼),时间为下午3 时至6时。
为了让有兴趣参与《城市的眼睛》2006岁末24小时影像纪录的朋友们能提早报名,我们会在当天进行预先报名活动 。(只限数码相机使用者,软片使用者必须在12月30日报名。)
同时我们会在分享会结束后把《城市的眼睛》2004 及2005 年的参展作品送还给参与者。凡未拿回《城市的眼睛》2005年底片和光碟的参与者也可以在当天到现场索取。